Child Care Fee Schedule
This child care program is participating in the Canada Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) System. The 2023 CWELCC fee for eligible children is 52.75% reduction of the 2022 fee to a minimum of $12 dollars per day.
Effective January 1, 2024
Toddler Program
18 months – 30 months
Preschool Program
2.5 – 4 years
Kindergarten Program
4 – 5 years
$14.18/day (instructional)
$18.43/day (non-instructional)
School Age Program
6 – 13 years
$27.00/day (instructional)
$40.00/day (non-instructional)

Do you Qualify for Subsidy?
Part time care and fees may also be available. The Centre accepts enrolment on a first come, first served basis, however; priority will be given to full time children. Children enrolled part-time will be required to pay for Statutory Holidays that fall on their scheduled day of enrolment.
If the Centre is at full enrolment and additional spaces are required, part-time children may be required to take a full time space or forfeit their space. Families would be given at least two weeks notice if this situation arose.
Payment is to be made by electronic fund transfer on the 1st or 15th of each month.
If payment has not been received by the 15th of the month, the Centre reserves the right to withdraw the child upon two weeks notice.
Any family who has withdrawn their child from the Centre with fees in arrears, and those who have had their child care services terminated due to fees in arrears, will not be eligible for readmission until such time all fees and applicable penalties are paid in full.
The fees will not be adjusted in any way for statutory holidays, vacations, illness, or if your child is absent from the program for any reason.
In the event Cardinal Leger Child Care Centre receives an NSF payment, the family will be notified and required to replace the amount along with a $50.00 NSF fee immediately etransfer.